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Analysis Instruments

Robust and simple data capture and analysis for CSA assays.

Scanners for Colony Surveillance Assay Kits

Our analysis instruments have a small footprint, but give you big results!

Contact us for more information and a price quote.

Intuitive Analyzer (IAN)

The IAN system is all you need to analyze the CSA assay plates. This compact and easy-to-use system will have your lab reporting high-throughput serology results in minutes.

Automated spot finding
Performs seamless data calculations customized for each kit
Compatible with all CSA kits
Windows 11 laptop included with preconfigured software
WI-FI enabled
LIMS compatible and customizable
AQ 1000

The AQ 1000 has been used by National Primate Centers and private breeders for years to analyze CSA kits. This system has been discontinued, but will continue to be supported. Upgrade and replace with the IAN system.

Integrated CPU running Windows 10
Remote support
Compatible with all CSA kits
Discontinued, but supported
AQ 1000 transparent Background

